
a membership for photographers by Brittany Hamann

Hey there, photographer!

What if you could get personalized education and build your business without having to make a big investment?

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve been binging all of the free content you can find, but you’re craving more personalized education

  • You want to grow your business but a big investment just isn’t an option for you right now

  • You’re ready to learn from someone who has achieved what you want to achieve

  • You’re looking for real, raw education that is honest and holds nothing back

  • You’re feeling lonely and want to join a community of photographers who are going through the same things you are

If this sounds like you, then I’m so glad you’re here, my friend.

Join me inside Wanderers for a candid look into my work and life as a traveling elopement photographer, and get practical tips to mindfully grow your business.

As a member, you'll enjoy:

  • Access to my private Instagram account

  • Monthly “Ask Me Anything”

  • Monthly live Zoom trainings on topics of your choice

  • Direct messaging access to me

  • Exclusive behind-the-scenes content of both my business and personal life


Hi, I’m Brittany!

And I used to be exactly where you are right now.

Before leaving my day job for photography, I was a Vice President at a nonprofit and only two classes shy of finishing my Masters degree.

But I dreamed of having more freedom, more time with my husband and our pets, and the chance to explore the world. Deep down, I knew life had more to offer than being stuck in an office, punching someone else's clock.

So one day, I took the leap and said goodbye to it all.

Now I’m making over six figures doing what I love, traveling to breathtaking locations to capture epic elopements, and my husband has joined me on this wild journey.

It’s hard to put into words how different my life is now. I have complete flexibility in my schedule, and I have more freedom than I could ever have working in an office. I get to travel to incredible locations and work with amazing couples who value me, my work, and are willing to pay me more than I ever thought possible.

And most importantly, I have more time to spend with my husband and our crazy pets, truly soaking in every moment with them.

And now I want to help you reach all of your wildest goals. Which is why I created Wanderers.

I’ve made this program accessible and affordable because it’s my goal to help as many photographers as possible avoid the years of fumbling through by teaching you to focus on what works.

I know that it can be overwhelming trying to grow your business, but inside of Wanderers, I’ll be here for you every step of the way.

Join me inside Wanderers for a candid look into my work and life as a traveling elopement photographer, and get practical tips to mindfully grow your business.

We’ll dive deep into topics including marketing, burnout, work/life balance, wellness, defining your brand, booking in new locations, traveling for work - and so much more.

Gain exclusive access to my travel routines, creative rituals, and processes, offering you a transparent and intimate look at my day-to-day life.

Sneak peek of what’s to come in September:

  • I’ll be sharing all about my busiest month of business ever as I’m photographing six elopements in September!

    • We’ll chat about how I’m staying on top of editing during this busy time, and I’ll get into balance, and how I group elopements to save on travel costs

    • Getting deep into work/life balance and how to prevent and recover from burnout (even when things are chaotic)

    • Plus I’ll be sharing tons of behind-the-scenes from my elopements all over Michigan and Hawaii

  • Monthly “ask me anything”

  • Two trips to the Upper Peninsula for elopements

  • Traveling to Maui for an elopement

  • Behind the scenes of travel, my process of traveling for work, and a glimpse into my life

  • Live training September 23rd at 6 pm EST (I’ll put up a poll and you get to choose the topic we cover!) + a replay if you can’t make it live

  • And other topics that flow naturally with what the group is interested in

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this group only for elopement photographers?

    This group is for any type of photographer or creative! While there will be topics related specifically to elopement or destination wedding photography, many of the topics apply to any type of creative.

  • What's the difference between this and an online course?

    While online courses can be valuable, the information inside them gets outdated quickly - especially when you're covering topics like marketing. With the Wanderers membership, you always get up-to-date information and education. Plus you get direct access to me, and the topics we cover are a direct reflection of what you and the group are interested in!

  • How is the education delivered?

    You get access to my private Instagram account where I'll be sharing the majority of the education, plus you get direct messaging access to me on that account. And we meet on Zoom once every month for a live training! Can't make it live? No worries, you get access to a replay too!

  • What happens if I miss something?

    Don’t worry! All stories shared on my private Instagram account are saved as highlights so you can refer back to them at any time. And all of our live meetings are recorded so you can watch the replay!

  • What’s the commitment?

    There’s no commitment! You can come and go as you please. The membership is $15/month, and you’re able to cancel at any time. By signing up, you lock in the current price for as long as you're a member! (and the price will be going up soon)

  • How do I get a spot?

    I limit the number of open spots to keep the group intimate, and you can grab one of them by signing up here! Enrollment close when all the spots are filled.

  • I have more questions...

    No problem! Shoot me an email at hello@brittanyhamannphotography.com or DM me on Instagram.

Grow your business for less than the cost of Netflix.