Next step:

Create your business strategy with me 👋

If you’re an elopement or destination wedding photographer, you could be *this close* to attracting your ideal clients, quitting your soul-sucking day job, and filling your calendar up with dream bookings.

Let’s create a strategy for your business

During this free call, we will:

✨ Take an honest look at where you are in your business to see what is and isn’t working

Figure out what's keeping you stuck

Develop a strategy to reach your business goals

       Hi, I’m Brittany! 👋      

I’m an elopement photographer & business coach, and I’m on a mission to help you quit your soul-sucking day job and fill your calendar up with dream bookings.

When I was working at my day job as Vice President of a nonprofit, working on my Masters degree at night, and trying to grow my photography business in every spare minute I had — I was struggling. I knew that life had so much more to offer than working my days away in an office, but I was stuck. And it took me years of hustling, late nights, and failing over and over again until I found what works.

Now I’m earning over six-figures running my business full-time, traveling to stunning locations with amazing couples, and working with my husband (aka my best friend) every day.

And it’s my goal to help other photographers avoid the years of fumbling through by teaching you to focus on what works.

Your Next Step

Schedule a free Strategy Session with me so we can chat about your goals, and I’ll help you develop a strategy to get you there.

During our Strategy Session, we will:

✨ Go over where you are in your business and figure out what's keeping you stuck

✨ Chat about your business goals

Develop a strategy to reach those goals